
Advanced IR Remote App for Flipper Device


Navigation to the menu to press each button individually can be often uncomfortable because it requires scrolling to the desired button and selecting it. The idea behind XRemote is that all physical buttons are pre-mapped to specific category buttons, and a physical button directly sends an infrared signal. This allows the flipper device to be used as a remote rather than as a tool that has a remote.

Learn new remote

XRemote also introduces a more user-friendly learning approach. Instead of having to manually name each button on the flipper when cloning a remote, the learning tool informs you upfront which buttons it will record. All you need to do is press the corresponding button on your existing remote, eliminating the need to name them individually.

Custom Layout

To customize your layout, open the saved remote file, select Edit in the menu, and configure which infrared commands should be transmitted when physical buttons are pressed or held. These changes will be stored in the existing remote file, which means that the configuration of custom buttons can be different for all remotes.

Standard file support

The application is compatible with standard .ir files. However, to ensure functionality, names within these files must align with the predefined naming scheme. If the button is not highlighted when pressed or the notification LED does not light up, the button with the appropriate name cannot be found in the file.

Button schema

Button name | Description ------------|------------------- Power | Power Setup | Setup/Settings Input | Input/Source Menu | Menu List | List Info | Info Mode | Mode Back | Back Ok | Enter/Ok Up | Up Down | Down Left | Left Right | Right Mute | Mute Vol_up | Volume up Vol_dn | Volume down Ch_next | Next channel Ch_prev | Previous channel Next | Jump forward Prev | Jump backward Fast_fo | Fast forward Fast_ba | Fast backward Play_pa | Play/Pause Pause | Pause Play | Play Stop | Stop

Alternative button names

In addition to the predefined names, XRemote uses alternative button names to make it as easy as possible to interact with different types of IR dumps. That means if a button with the appropriate name is not found in the file, the application will try to find the same button with alternative names. Ensure this feature is enabled in the application settings before you use it.

The application stores and reads alternate names from the following file: SD_Card/apps_data/flipper_xremote/alt_names.txt

If the Alt-Names option is enabled in the config and the file does not exist, it will be created automatically with default values during the application's startup. You can edit, add, or remove any button or alternate name values from this file. Button names must either have only the first uppercase or be entirely lowercase. As for alternate names, they are case-insensitive. The button can have one or several comma-separated alternate names.

Default alternative names

Button name | Alternative names ------------|------------------- Power | shutdown,off,on,standby Setup | settings,config,cfg Input | source,select Menu | osd,gui List | guide Info | display Mode | aspect,format Back | return,exit Ok | enter,select Up | uparrow Down | downarrow Left | leftarrow Right | rightarrow Mute | silence,silent,unmute Vol_up | vol+,volume+,volup,+ Vol_dn | vol-,volume-,voldown,- Ch_next | ch+,channel+,chup Ch_prev | ch-,channel-,chdown Next | next,skip,ffwd Prev | prev,back,rewind,rew Fast_fo | fastfwd,fastforward,ff Fast_ba | fastback,fastrewind,fb Play_pa | playpause,play,pause

App Version SDK Status Downloads Logs Build
1.3 78.1 f7 Build succeeded 21885 get logs get build
1.3 77.2 f7 Build succeeded 1072 get logs get build
1.3 73.0 f7 Build succeeded 23543 get logs get build
1.3 72.5 f7 Build succeeded 39 get logs get build
1.3 72.1 f7 Build succeeded 13479 get logs get build
1.3 69.0 f7 Build succeeded 9083 get logs get build
1.3 66.0 f7 Build succeeded 10245 get logs get build
1.3 65.0 f7 Build succeeded 74 get logs get build
1.3 62.3 f7 Build succeeded 11549 get logs get build
1.3 61.2 f7 Build succeeded 10822 get logs get build
1.3 61.1 f7 Build succeeded 525 get logs get build
1.3 60.4 f7 Build succeeded 9104 get logs get build
1.3 60.3 f7 Build succeeded 189 get logs get build
1.3 58.0 f7 Build succeeded 13454 get logs get build
1.3 54.0 f7 Build succeeded 13441 get logs get build
1.3 53.0 f7 Build skipped 0 get logs get build
1.3 52.0 f7 Build skipped 0 get logs get build
1.3 50.0 f7 Build succeeded 1070 get logs get build
1.3 49.1 f7 Build skipped 0 get logs get build
1.3 46.0 f7 Build skipped 0 get logs get build
1.3 40.1 f7 Build skipped 0 get logs get build
1.3 40.0 f7 Build skipped 0 get logs get build
1.3 39.2 f7 Build skipped 0 get logs get build
1.3 39.1 f7 Build skipped 0 get logs get build
1.3 38.0 f7 Build skipped 0 get logs get build
1.3 35.1 f7 Build skipped 0 get logs get build
1.3 35.0 f7 Build skipped 0 get logs get build
1.3 34.3 f7 Build skipped 0 get logs get build
1.3 33.0 f7 Build skipped 0 get logs get build
1.3 32.0 f7 Build skipped 0 get logs get build
1.3 30.1 f7 Build skipped 0 get logs get build
1.2 66.0 f7 Build skipped 0 get logs get build
1.2 65.0 f7 Build succeeded 12 get logs get build
1.2 62.3 f7 Build skipped 0 get logs get build
1.2 61.2 f7 Build skipped 0 get logs get build
1.2 61.1 f7 Build skipped 0 get logs get build
1.2 60.4 f7 Build skipped 0 get logs get build
1.2 60.3 f7 Build skipped 0 get logs get build
1.2 58.0 f7 Build succeeded 3635 get logs get build
1.2 54.0 f7 Build succeeded 19005 get logs get build
1.2 53.0 f7 Build succeeded 113 get logs get build
1.2 52.0 f7 Build succeeded 866 get logs get build
1.2 50.0 f7 Build succeeded 20372 get logs get build
1.2 49.1 f7 Build succeeded 12238 get logs get build
1.2 46.0 f7 Build succeeded 3335 get logs get build
1.2 40.1 f7 Build succeeded 477 get logs get build
1.2 40.0 f7 Build succeeded 18 get logs get build
1.2 33.0 f7 Build skipped 0 get logs get build
1.2 32.0 f7 Build skipped 0 get logs get build
1.2 30.1 f7 Build skipped 0 get logs get build
1.1 66.0 f7 Build skipped 0 get logs get build
1.1 65.0 f7 Build skipped 0 get logs get build
1.1 62.3 f7 Build skipped 0 get logs get build
1.1 61.2 f7 Build skipped 0 get logs get build
1.1 61.1 f7 Build skipped 0 get logs get build
1.1 60.4 f7 Build skipped 0 get logs get build
1.1 60.3 f7 Build skipped 0 get logs get build
1.1 58.0 f7 Build skipped 0 get logs get build
1.1 54.0 f7 Hover to know more... 0 get logs get build
1.1 53.0 f7 Build skipped 0 get logs get build
1.1 52.0 f7 Build skipped 0 get logs get build
1.1 50.0 f7 Hover to know more... 0 get logs get build
1.1 49.1 f7 Hover to know more... 0 get logs get build
1.1 46.0 f7 Hover to know more... 0 get logs get build
1.1 40.1 f7 Build succeeded 14 get logs get build
1.1 40.0 f7 Build succeeded 20 get logs get build
1.1 39.2 f7 Build succeeded 3518 get logs get build
1.1 39.1 f7 Build succeeded 163 get logs get build
1.1 38.0 f7 Build succeeded 272 get logs get build
1.1 33.0 f7 Build skipped 0 get logs get build
1.1 32.0 f7 Build skipped 0 get logs get build
1.1 30.1 f7 Build skipped 0 get logs get build
1.0 66.0 f7 Build skipped 0 get logs get build
1.0 65.0 f7 Build skipped 0 get logs get build
1.0 62.3 f7 Build skipped 0 get logs get build
1.0 61.2 f7 Build skipped 0 get logs get build
1.0 61.1 f7 Build skipped 0 get logs get build
1.0 60.4 f7 Build skipped 0 get logs get build
1.0 60.3 f7 Build skipped 0 get logs get build
1.0 58.0 f7 Build skipped 0 get logs get build
1.0 54.0 f7 Build succeeded 17 get logs get build
1.0 53.0 f7 Build skipped 0 get logs get build
1.0 52.0 f7 Build skipped 0 get logs get build
1.0 50.0 f7 Build succeeded 18 get logs get build
1.0 49.1 f7 Build succeeded 17 get logs get build
1.0 46.0 f7 Build skipped 0 get logs get build
1.0 40.1 f7 Build skipped 0 get logs get build
1.0 40.0 f7 Build skipped 0 get logs get build
1.0 39.2 f7 Build succeeded 13 get logs get build
1.0 39.1 f7 Build succeeded 13 get logs get build
1.0 38.0 f7 Build succeeded 19 get logs get build
1.0 35.1 f7 Build succeeded 1206 get logs get build
1.0 33.0 f7 Build skipped 0 get logs get build
1.0 32.0 f7 Build skipped 0 get logs get build
1.0 30.1 f7 Build skipped 0 get logs get build
flipper_xremote Latest 1.3 GitHub Author: @kala13x