Cyborg Detector

How it works

Run the app and move the Flipper Zero over implants or other LED equipped NFC tags and the light will glow.


  • Feedback showing when a cyborg is detected.
  • Switch between NFC and RFID detection.
  • Possibly display dynamic chip data as found without stopping. Screen to update only when new data is found.


  • RocketGod (@RocketGod-git)
App Version SDK Status Downloads Logs Build
1.1 79.2 f7 Build succeeded 4346 get logs get build
1.1 78.1 f7 Build succeeded 14042 get logs get build
1.1 77.2 f7 Build succeeded 899 get logs get build
1.1 73.0 f7 Build succeeded 10756 get logs get build
1.1 72.1 f7 Build succeeded 3114 get logs get build
1.1 69.0 f7 Build succeeded 333 get logs get build
1.0 73.0 f7 Build succeeded 1736 get logs get build
1.0 72.1 f7 Build succeeded 332 get logs get build
1.0 69.0 f7 Build succeeded 59 get logs get build
cyborg_detector Latest 1.1 GitHub Author: @RocketGod-git